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Mission, Vision & Values


Vision:                   ‘Building People...Changing Lives.....Impacting the World!’


Mission:                ‘We exist to Worship God and to connect people to Jesus,

Statement:            'Empowering them to grow and continue his work in the world’



Our Core Values:


  • Committed to the Authority of the Bible: The Word of God is central to shaping our personal & community life together.


  • A People of Worship & Prayer: Worship & Prayer are foundational in our life and ministry.


  • Dependent on God: Through Prayer and in faith, we depend on the Holy Spirit for all our needs and empowering for our ministries.


  • Focussed on being Christlike: We desire to be a transforming community where we are becoming passionate followers of Christ and increasingly like Him in our character, lifestyle, values and actions.


  • Centred on being Welcoming & Inclusive: Where there is a strong sense of love and belonging, where people are welcomed and their worth and giftedness is valued, and where they are encouraged and equipped to exercise their gifts in service.


  • Mission – Focussed: Committed to the task of declaring the good news of God’s love and new life in Christ and increasing the number of passionate followers of Jesus in all nations.


  • Responsive to Human Needs: We believe that we are called by God to caring and compassionate service to those hurting and in need.

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